Monday, December 17, 2007

Flexpod!! Night and Day.

Thanks to my Uncle Charlie, who has just contributed a Flexpod and Camelbak to the training adventure! Here is my first video, taken tonight on the ride home. It was taken on a stop-motion setting, one frame per second. The ride appears much more harrowing than usual at this speed. Enjoy!

**update 12/19/07: scroll down for the daytime ride**

A portion of my morning commute. Extra rights and lefts added for thrilling visual excitement!


Anonymous said...

At maybe the 1/3rd mark in the daylight video you're traveling down a road with a red surface, then you overtake two cars traveling the same direction stopped at an intersection. Rather than queue up behind them, you cross the dashed yellow line and make a left turn onto the bigger street. It looks like you're cRaZy, as if a car decides to use that space (and they could turn in there from perhaps 3 different directions) you'd be trapped into a head-on collision.

alex xander said...

I watched the video again several times, and I see what part you're referring to. My first though was that this was a safe left hand turn. But then I saw what you were talking about when you said I crossed the yellow line into the oncoming lane. Yep, that was a bad move on my part. Part of my training for the AIDS LifeCycle ride is learning to reassess these ingrained, bad habits that I've picked up from years of bicycle commuting, and replace them with healthier, safer alternatives (such as waiting my turn to make the left). Thanks for pointing it out.